

Creativity (kree-ey-TIV-uh-tee.)

The ability to generate original and valuable ideas, solutions, or expressions through imagination, insight, and innovation.

Growing up, it was difficult to understand how someone could be considered creative. It wasn’t covered at school or at home, so I was left to come up with my own conclusions. Throughout most of my adolescence, the default assumption was that only artists could be creative, which admittedly was a naive perspective. Over time, I began to understand that the source of creativity is unique to every individual and comes from within, stemming from personal experiences, imagination, and beliefs.

Amongst all of life’s distractions, being creative isn’t something that I think about all the time, but maybe I should. Creativity creep is something that I welcome these days, where I find that the more I express myself, the happier and more confident I am. Creativity is a choice, and we all get to choose to let its’ spirit take shape in our relationships, work, and play. There is no score to it, no grade to assign. All that we can hope to do is cultivate it as a feeling to improve our quality of life.

Ever stuck in feeling an overwhelming sense of conformity? Revert back to your unique well of creativity and put a personal spin on whatever is being worked on to help inspire authenticity and quality.